Saturday, February 11, 2012

Shard: 2

Precursor: Geeks are dumb. Very dumb. And I should know, I'm the dumbest of them all.

Body: There has been some rumblings lately about a shooting. A fictional shooting between fictional characters. One of the characters is a bug-eyed, big-headed alien. And the other is Harrison Ford. (Hmmm.... Harrison Ford). So, what's the big deal with Han Solo vs. Greedo?

Well, it seems that the man that created Star Wars decided that Han never fired his weapon before Greedo. What does that mean?

In short: Not a hill of beans to the rest of us.
In Long: Mr. Lucas can say or do whatever he likes with the characters, it doesn't really affect anyone that's not him. Except the losers that cry over it, because they're losers. Crybaby losers. With poor hygiene and ugly glasses.

So, why do people care, you may find yourself asking. But if you're not dumb, you won't. I'm still going answer. People care because they think when Han Solo pulled the trigger severely alters his character. Because they don't realize that it doesn't.

I guess they don't realize that Han had his firearm prepared to fire well before Greedo shoots. That right there indicates his intentions. He's going to shoot this dude that's out to cause him harm. Who cares which person actually got a shot off first. Stupid babies. And if that doesn't work for you, because you're a whiner, then just pretend that Han is shooting first, you know, like you pretend that you have friends.

I think the biggest problem with what Lucas has done to the films is super-imposing that Whiny Anakin Kid (no, he doesn't deserve an actual name, the actor is crappy) over the one that wasn't necessarily annoying in episode six. Why are there not more people in an uproar about that? I can only hope it's because they didn't watch to the end.

The End: In conclusion, it's a pointless argument because Han shoots first. Also, Ewoks are cool. And sorry, but no tasty kittens today. Maybe next time. In the mean time, here's a picture of birds killing each other:

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