Thursday, June 21, 2012

Shard: Of the 6th Kind

Precursor: Why go to a social gathering if you're not going to mingle?

Body: I've got a couple of websites that I check on a somewhat regular basis. Of course everyone does, that's nothing special. However, the discussion forums are what I'm concerned with at the moment.

I love reading through the discussions. I'll try to keep track of what's being said and by which person. There are usually enough people on them that are not internet-stupid that the discussions are usually interesting and even well thought-out, if not always grammatically correct. It's always a good time for me.

But then I start to feel like a stalker. You see, I hardly ever post anything myself. I see so many people that post regularly and I'll even have an opinion. I just don't post anything. I see people that have joined the site years after I did that have more posts. Sometimes it feels like I'm standing outside of somebody's house that has people over and I'm just staring in through the window at them. I just stare and eavesdrop, even though I did receive an invitation. I'm just that much of a creep.

All of that is going on inside my of head. And I keep thinking that I should actually join in. Maybe try to make useful, if not amusing, responses. Some of these people are even looking for emotional support while going through a rough time that I fully understand. Instead of saying, "Hey, buddy. I've been there. It'll get better (for unknown values of better)," or even a helpful suggestion I merely read the consequential posts and figure, "meh, good enough."

To me, it's like creating an email account but never using it. Which I have done before on more than one occasion.

So, anyone out there ever think about this? Any ideas on why people like to know but never interact? Is it that part of us that likes to watch television that's jumping in there? Who knows?

The End: I'll make a resolution right now. It's a real one, not one of those bogus "New Year's Resolutions" that nobody ever intends to actually keep. I resolve to be more interactive on the internet. And maybe even in the physical real world.

Also, two bonus points:
1) I'm looking for suggestions on sock puppet designs/personalities. If you have a good idea, let me know.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Shard: The Fifth

Precursor: I'm all for Equality of Rights so long as it includes Equality of Responsibilities and Equality of Consequences.

Body: I grew up in a fairly traditional household. Not that my family worked against change or progress, but we were raised on old value and morals. My mother was a stay-at-home-mom (or SAHM as I've heard them referred to) while my father went to work. We were raised to avoid alcohol, smoking, and other drugs. The normal was that men dated women, and not to judge but help others.

I was also raised to be a gentleman. I was raised on stories of heroes saving princesses (or other women). I was raised to hold the door, pay for dinner, never require the woman to worry about the world. Maybe that's not the lessons my parents or other adults were trying to teach me, but that's what I took out of it. The man brings in money and treats the woman with the utmost respect. And that was fine for a while.

The disconnect here is that as I've become older I've been having a harder time figuring out what the woman's end of this deal is. Normally I'd expect that woman is supposed to take care of the children and the inner workings of the home. But that's not how things are. Not anymore. To even suggest that makes you into some kind of monster.

Women are free to choose their own life. They can do anything a man can (or at least are to be afforded the opportunity). Which is all fine and well. I have nothing against women, objectively speaking. It's when I compare all of these ideals with reality and find all to many women that still want the chivalry. They want men to treat them like princesses. They want the men to take care of everything, but they want to be allowed to do as they please.

Maybe I'm seeing things wrong here. I am, after all, looking at through the eyes of a guy. That right there seems to make me inherently wrong. So, if anyone has a better answer to this, please let me know. Also, I think this makes me some kind of a monster, so, "Rar!"

The End: Once again, Equality of Rights is also Equality in Responsibilities/Consequences. This doesn't just apply to women. This applies to anyone that feels they are getting the short end of the stick.
And since I still don't have those tasty, tasty kittens, here's a picture of something else for you: